Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin - Cross Communication

Photo by Fotis Nakos on Unsplash
So far, we have built stateful entities that persist data and respond dynamically to external input through signaling. However, all interactions have been one-directional: clients send commands, but entities remain isolated from each other.
Real-world applications often require entities to collaborate, exchanging updates and triggering actions across a distributed system. This post introduces cross-entity communication, where entities can signal each other and work together toward a shared goal.
To demonstrate this, we introduce a monitor entity that listens for updates from the counter entity whenever it reaches specific milestones.
Why Can't We Signal Entities Directly?
Signaling an entity from another entity or orchestrator using DurableTaskClient
might seem
straightforward, but it introduces reliability issues. Orchestrators replay executions for fault
tolerance and scalability. If they interact directly with external clients, they risk sending
duplicate signals, leading to unintended side effects.
This constraint is fundamental to Durable Functions, ensuring consistency in distributed workflows, as detailed in the Durable Entities constraints documentation. Instead of allowing direct signaling, we introduce an activity function to handle communication. Activities do not replay, ensuring that each signal is sent exactly once while maintaining orchestration integrity.
Enabling Cross-Entity Communication
To ensure structured and reliable entity signaling, we introduce a signaling model that standardizes communication between entities.
Defining a Structured Signaling Model
Instead of sending raw data, we define a structured format for consistent and predictable
inter-entity communication. The Operation
class remains unchanged and represents an action an
entity should take, optionally carrying input data. The SignalEntityInput
class bundles the target
entity ID with the operation, making signaling clearer and reusable.
data class Operation(
val name: String,
val input: Any? = null
data class SignalEntityInput(
val entityId: String,
val operation: Operation
By encapsulating signaling details, this model simplifies passing information to the activity function.
Handling Signals with an Activity Function
With a structured model in place, we define an activity function to safely handle signaling. Unlike
orchestrations, activities do not replay, making them the correct place to interact with
fun signalEntityActivity(
@DurableActivityTrigger(name = "input") input: SignalEntityInput,
@DurableClientInput(name = "durableContext") durableContext: DurableClientContext,
) {
The activity takes a SignalEntityInput
and sends a signal on behalf of the caller. Since
activities execute only once, they prevent duplicate signals, ensuring reliable inter-entity
Updating the Counter to Signal the Monitor
Now that we have a safe signaling mechanism, we modify the Counter
entity to notify the Monitor
when reaching specific milestones. The counter initializes its state, listens for operations, and
updates its value accordingly. Whenever it reaches a multiple of 10, it signals the monitor.
fun counter(@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") ctx: TaskOrchestrationContext) {
var counter = 0
val monitorEntityId = ctx.getInput(
while (true) {
val operation = ctx.waitForEntityOperation()
when ( {
"Add" -> counter += (operation.input as? Int) ?: 0
"Reset" -> counter = 0
if (counter % 10 == 0) {
val responseOperation = Operation(name = "Update", input = counter)
val signalInput = SignalEntityInput(monitorEntityId, responseOperation)
ctx.callActivity("SignalEntity", signalInput)
The counter now receives the monitor's ID as input and signals it when reaching key milestones. Instead of handling the signaling directly, it delegates the task to the activity function, ensuring orchestration constraints are respected.
Defining the Monitor
The Monitor
entity listens for updates from the Counter
and logs the received progress.
fun monitor(
@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") ctx: TaskOrchestrationContext,
context: ExecutionContext,
) {
while (true) {
val operation = ctx.waitForEntityOperation()
when ( {
"Update" -> {"Progress update: ${operation.input}%")
By continuously listening for updates, the monitor keeps track of milestones reached by the counter.
Initializing Both Entities via HTTP
To establish communication between the Counter
and Monitor
, we define an HTTP function that
creates both entities in a single request. The monitor is created first, and its ID is passed to the
fun createMonitorAndCounter(
name = "req",
methods = [HttpMethod.GET],
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
request: HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>>,
@DurableClientInput(name = "ctx") ctx: DurableClientContext,
): HttpResponseMessage {
// Create a Monitor and a Counter, passing the monitorId to the counter
val monitorId = Entity(ctx.client, "Monitor")
val counterId = Entity(ctx.client, "Counter", monitorId)
// Return an HTTP response with the IDs
val responseBody =
Created Monitor and Counter.
Monitor ID: $monitorId
Counter ID: $counterId
return request.success(responseBody)
This ensures the counter knows where to send updates.
Verifying Cross-Communication
We can now verify the Counter
can signal the Monitor
by instantiating them and adding a value of
10 to the counter, triggering the monitored milestone:
❯ curl -s
Created Monitor and Counter.
Monitor ID: f224fd54-c343-49b6-9305-50e96f6b76d4
Counter ID: e415d7bb-8b6a-4134-a0ba-d81420839657
❯ curl -s\?\
Amount added.
Logs confirm that the Monitor
received the signal:
2024-11-12T12:17:19Z [Information] Progress update: 10.0%
The Counter
and Monitor
are now communicating dynamically.
Abstracting Cross-Communication
To streamline our implementation, we introduce a helper function for entity signaling.
fun TaskOrchestrationContext.signalEntity(
entityId: String,
operationName: String,
operationInput: Any? = null,
) {
val operation = Operation(name = operationName, input = operationInput)
val signalInput = SignalEntityInput(entityId, operation)
this.callActivity("SignalEntity", signalInput)
Using this abstraction, we simplify the Counter
entity further:
if (counter % 10 == 0) {
ctx.signalEntity(monitorEntityId, "Update", counter)
This keeps the logic concise and easy to read while ensuring entity signals are handled correctly..
What's Next?
Now that our entities can communicate with each other, we can move beyond fire-and-forget signals.
In the next post, we explore entity calling, allowing entities to send requests and receive responses, further enhancing their capabilities.
Read Further
This post is part of the Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin series.
- Previous: Signaling Entities with Input.
- Next: Calling Entities.