Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin - Signaling Entities with Input

Photo by Fotis Nakos on Unsplash
So far, we have implemented signaling to interact with entities dynamically, allowing our counter to respond to operations like increment and reset. However, these signals have been limited to simple operation names, restricting flexibility.
In this post, we extend our signaling mechanism to support input data, enabling more complex interactions. By passing structured data with each signal, we allow operations like adding a specific amount to the counter. With this enhancement, our counter entity will support more realistic interactions, moving closer to the flexibility required in real-world applications.
Passing Input with Signals
Defining a Data Model for Operations
Instead of sending plain operation names, we define a structured Operation
data class that
includes both an operation type and optional input. Since Durable Functions use Jackson for
serialization, we follow the same approach for consistency.
val objectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
data class Operation(
val name: String,
val input: Any? = null
This allows signals to carry additional information, such as an integer to modify the counter.
Updating the SignalEntity Function
To handle structured input, we modify the signalEntity
function to send JSON-encoded operations.
fun DurableTaskClient.signalEntity(
entityId: String,
operationName: String,
operationInput: Any? = null
) {
val operation = Operation(name = operationName, input = operationInput)
val operationJSON = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(operation)
this.raiseEvent(entityId, "EntityOperation", operationJSON)
This ensures that every entity receives structured events, making event-driven interactions more powerful.
Handling Input in The Counter Entity
Processing Events with Data Input
We modify the Counter
entity to parse structured signals and apply operations accordingly.
fun counter(@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") ctx: TaskOrchestrationContext) {
var counter = 0
while (true) {
val operationJson =
val operation = objectMapper.readValue<Operation>(operationJson)
when ( {
"Increment" -> counter++
"Add" -> counter += (operation.input as? Int) ?: 0
"Reset" -> counter = 0
Now, the counter can increment by one, add a custom value, or reset based on structured input.
Sending Input from an HTTP Function
To take advantage of this functionality, we introduce an HTTP function that allows users to specify an amount to be added to the counter.
fun add(
name = "req",
methods = [HttpMethod.GET],
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
request: HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>>,
@DurableClientInput(name = "ctx") ctx: DurableClientContext,
): HttpResponseMessage {
val entityId = request.queryParameters["entityId"]
?: return request.badRequest("entityId required")
val amount = request.queryParameters["amount"]
?: return request.badRequest("amount required")
ctx.client.signalEntity(entityId, "Add", amount.toInt())
return request.success("Amount added.")
This function extracts the entityId
and amount
from the request, signals the entity with the
provided value, and finally returns a success message.
Testing the Implementation
With everything in place, we can now verify that the Add
function correctly updates the counter.
❯ curl -s
Created Counter with ID: 42587159-ca0e-4342-8514-2cdeee214953
❯ curl -s\?\
Amount added.
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter value: 7
❯ curl -s\?\
Amount added.
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter value: 9
The counter correctly updates based on the values provided.
Refactoring for Cleaner Event Handling
Simplifying Event Handling with a Helper Function
To streamline the counter's logic, we introduce a helper function that waits for and parses incoming operations:
fun TaskOrchestrationContext.waitForEntityOperation(): Operation {
val json = this.waitForExternalEvent("EntityOperation",
return objectMapper.readValue<Operation>(json)
Refactoring the Counter Entity
Using this helper function, we simplify our counter implementation.
fun counter(@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") ctx: TaskOrchestrationContext) {
var counter = 0
while (true) {
val operation = ctx.waitForEntityOperation()
when ( {
"Add" -> counter += (operation.input as? Int) ?: 0
"Reset" -> counter = 0
This update eliminates unnecessary JSON parsing within the main loop, keeping the entity concise and readable.
What's Next?
Now that our entities can process structured signals, they are no longer limited to basic state changes but can dynamically react to user input. In the next post, we will explore cross-entity communication, enabling entities to interact with each other, further expanding the scope of what we can build.
Read Further
This post is part of the Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin series.
- Previous: Signaling Entities.
- Next: Cross-Communication.