Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin - Signaling Entities

Photo by Fotis Nakos on Unsplash
So far, we have created an entity that stores state using custom status, but it remains static. Once created, there is no way to interact with it or modify its state dynamically. In real-world applications, stateful objects must react to external inputs.
This is where event-driven updates come in.
In this post, we introduce signaling, a mechanism of sending one-way (fire-and-forget) messages to an entity. By enabling our counter to listen for external events, we allow it to dynamically update its state in response to operations like increment and reset.
Signaling vs. Calling
Entities can be accessed in two ways, as explained in the Durable Entities documentation:
- Signaling Sends an operation without waiting for a response. It is best suited for updates that do not require immediate feedback.
- Calling Sends an operation and waits for a result before continuing. This is useful when you need to retrieve values from an entity.
In this post, we will focus on signaling and by the end of it our counter entity will become interactive, responding to external requests.
Extending the Counter to Handle Events
To enable event-driven updates, we modify the Counter
orchestration so that it listens for
incoming events. It will wait for external signals and update its state accordingly.
fun counter(@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") ctx: TaskOrchestrationContext) {
// Initialize the counter value and the custom status
var counter = 0
while (true) {
// Wait for an external event
val operation =
// Process the requested operation
when (operation) {
"Increment" -> counter++ // Increase counter by 1
"Reset" -> counter = 0 // Reset counter to 0
// Update the stored state with the new value
Now, instead of being static, the counter remains active, continuously listening for events. When it receives an operation, it updates its state and waits for the next event.
At this point, the counter can respond to external events, but we still need a way to send these signals.
Sending Signals to the Counter
To interact with the counter, we create HTTP-triggered functions that send events to a specific instance.
Increment Operation
This function sends an event to increase the counter value.
fun increment(
name = "req",
methods = [HttpMethod.GET],
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
request: HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>>,
@DurableClientInput(name = "ctx") ctx: DurableClientContext,
): HttpResponseMessage {
// Extract the instanceId from query parameters
val entityId = request.queryParameters["entityId"]
?: return request.badRequest("entityId required")
// Raise an event to the Counter to increment its value
ctx.client.raiseEvent(instanceId, "EntityOperation", "Increment")
// Return an HTTP response with a helpful message
return request.success("Counter Incremented.")
Reset Operation
This function sends an event to reset the counter to 0.
fun increment(
name = "req",
methods = [HttpMethod.GET],
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
request: HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>>,
@DurableClientInput(name = "ctx") ctx: DurableClientContext,
): HttpResponseMessage {
// Extract the instanceId from query parameters
val entityId = request.queryParameters["entityId"]
?: return request.badRequest("entityId required")
// Raise an event to the Counter to reset its value
ctx.client.raiseEvent(instanceId, "EntityOperation", "Reset")
// Return an HTTP response with a helpful message
return request.success("Counter Reset.")
Abstracting Signal Logic
Right now, we hardcoded the event name EntityOperation
everywhere. This is an implementation
detail and there is no reason to leak into the rest of the code base. We can introduce a helper
function for signaling that will help us clean up our code:
fun DurableTaskClient.signalEntity(entityId: String, operation: String) {
this.raiseEvent(entityId, "EntityOperation", operation)
With our abstraction, the HTTP functions become even cleaner:
fun increment(
name = "req",
methods = [HttpMethod.GET],
authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS,
request: HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>>,
@DurableClientInput(name = "ctx") ctx: DurableClientContext,
): HttpResponseMessage {
val entityId = request.queryParameters["entityId"]
?: return request.badRequest("entityId required")
ctx.client.signalEntity(entityId, "Increment")
return request.success("Counter Incremented.")
This makes signaling cleaner and more intuitive, matching how Durable Entities are used in other languages.
Verifying the Implementation
With everything in place, we can now verify that our counter responds to events.
❯ curl -s
Created Counter with ID: b13e7165-6ee4-4429-9295-a5f998d9881d
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter value: 0
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter Incremented.
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter value: 1
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter Reset.
❯ curl -s\?\
Counter value: 0
With this, we have successfully made our counter interactive. It now listens for external events and updates its state dynamically.
What's Next?
Now that we can send one-way messages to update an entity, the next step is to make these signals more powerful.
In the next post, we will extend signaling to support input parameters, allowing entities to process structured commands rather than just operation names.
Read Further
This post is part of the Implementing Durable Entities in Kotlin series.
- Previous: Creating Entities.
- Next: Signaling Entities with Input.